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BBMRI.QM contacts

The BBMRI-ERIC biobanks are ready to position themselves as the source of high-quality sample providers. A practiced quality management system based on international standards is a key enabler for science that 11 one trusts. Crucial for trusted scientific output of research (academia and industry) is the sound implementation of quality measures, indispensable for the development of personalized medicine solutions, medical devices and diagnostics. BBMRI focuses on empowering researchers through information (Knowledge Hub), training education (Training & Support) and review (Pre-Auditing), initially focussing on the Members and Observers. These main areas of responsibility are covered by the BBMRI.QM team:

Andrea Wutte

Head of BBMRI.QM

Nadja Palko

QM Representative

Maike Tauchert

Quality Manager

Joanna Vella

Quality Manager

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The BBMRI-ERIC biobanks are ready to position themselves as the source of high-quality sample providers. A practiced quality management system based on international standards is a key enabler for science that 11 one trusts. Crucial for trusted scientific output of research (academia and industry) is the sound implementation of quality measures, indispensable for the development of personalized medicine solutions, medical devices and diagnostics. BBMRI focuses on empowering researchers through information (Knowledge Hub), training education (Training & Support) and review (Pre-Auditing), initially focussing on the Members and Observers. These main areas of responsibility are covered by the BBMRI.QM team as follows:

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The BBMRI-ERIC biobanks are ready to position themselves as the source of high-quality sample providers. A practiced quality management system based on international standards is a key enabler for science that 11 one trusts. Crucial for trusted scientific output of research (academia and industry) is the sound implementation of quality measures, indispensable for the development of personalized medicine solutions, medical devices and diagnostics. BBMRI focuses on empowering researchers through information (Knowledge Hub), training education (Training & Support) and review (Pre-Auditing), initially focussing on the Members and Observers. These main areas of responsibility are covered by the BBMRI.QM team as follows:

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The BBMRI-ERIC biobanks are ready to position themselves as the source of high-quality sample providers. A practiced quality management system based on international standards is a key enabler for science that 11 one trusts. Crucial for trusted scientific output of research (academia and industry) is the sound implementation of quality measures, indispensable for the development of personalized medicine solutions, medical devices and diagnostics. BBMRI focuses on empowering researchers through information (Knowledge Hub), training education (Training & Support) and review (Pre-Auditing), initially focussing on the Members and Observers. These main areas of responsibility are covered by the BBMRI.QM team as follows:

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The BBMRI-ERIC biobanks are ready to position themselves as the source of high-quality sample providers. A practiced quality management system based on international standards is a key enabler for science that 11 one trusts. Crucial for trusted scientific output of research (academia and industry) is the sound implementation of quality measures, indispensable for the development of personalized medicine solutions, medical devices and diagnostics. BBMRI focuses on empowering researchers through information (Knowledge Hub), training education (Training & Support) and review (Pre-Auditing), initially focussing on the Members and Observers. These main areas of responsibility are covered by the BBMRI.QM team as follows:

Additional Information

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The website was co-funded within ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676550.
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