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Services and Support

Quality Management

If we want researchers to be able to produce reliable findings, we need to make sure that they have access to samples and data of appropriate, defined quality. As a European research infrastructure, our ultimate goal is to make samples comparable across different countries and different biobanking systems.


How does the EU General Data Protection Regulation affect health research? Have I addressed all the relevant topics in the compulsory ethics self-assessment section of my proposal? If you have any questions concerning legislation or any other ethical topics, we have a team of experts from all over Europe that offer guidance on ethical, legal, and societal issues (ELSI) that biobankers and researchers may encounter.

GDPR Code of Conduct for Health Research

Now that the new EU General Data Protection Regulation has entered into force, there are a lot of question marks around the use of data in health research. For this reason, BBMRI-ERIC has launched an initiative to draft a code of conduct for health research.

Find and access samples & data online

We are operating the world’s largest biobank catalogue – the BBMRI-ERIC Directory. Anyone can use it to identify candidate biobanks to get access to samples and data sets. Alternately, use our Federated Search Platforms for a more detailed search of selected biobanks. Then, proceed to the Negotiator to communicate directly with the relevant biobanks to gain access to the samples and data you need.

Common Service IT

BBMRI-ERIC serves biobanks and biomedical researchers by helping ensure that biomolecular resources are FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

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National Nodes

National Nodes & contact points for local biobanks

orange-markerFind our National Nodes
and contact points for local biobanks.




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BBMRI.QM Academy E-Learning

Live educational webinars and webinars on demand (recordings) on Pre-Analytical Phases of Biobanking.

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Recent News

COVID-19: European Medical Research Infrastructures are Part of the Global Response

Together with EATRIS and ECRIN we just published our top 5 recommendations to accelerate #COVID19 research...

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BBMRI-ERIC receives two new grants for coronavirus initiatives

With BY-COVID and ISIDORe, BBMRI-ERIC will contribute to European preparedness for current and future pandemics

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The website was co-funded within ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676550.
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