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BIGPICTURE: Central Repository for Digital Pathology

Topic: IMI2-2019-18-01 – Central repository of digital pathology slides to support the development of artificial intelligence tools

Type of Action: RIA

Duration: 72 months

Start date: 1 Feb 2021

Grant agreement: 945358

Web: or visit CORDIS

Total request Grant by Consortium: €32,319,825

Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €209,000

Linked Third Parties/BBMRI-ERIC Framework Agreement: €171,000, equally divided among KU Leuven (, UNIMIB ( and TURUN (

Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC:


  • BBMRI-ERIC’s LTPs will guide WP2, 3, and 4 on ELSI.
  • BBMRI-ERIC’s LTPs will collaborate with WP1 as regard SEAB


  • BBMRI-ERIC will advise BIGPICTURE as per communication and dissemination activities (incl booths at conferences), the strategy and objectives of the communication strategy (Task 1.3).


High-performance computing is revolutionising healthcare through electronic records and digitalised pathology data. The mission of the EU-funded BIGPICTURE project is to establish the first European platform where quality-controlled whole slide imaging (WSI) data are stored. The consortium consists of Europe’s largest pathology departments and will work towards an open-source framework for accessing, annotating and mining WSI data using AI algorithms. With access to millions of WSI data, BIGPICTURE envisions AI-based methods that can help clinicians interpret tissue features and perform diagnosis fast, in a high-throughput manner, avoiding human bias or error.

The website was co-funded within ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676550.
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