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Registers and Biobanks in Transition

Project Grant Agreement signed with EIT Health (as External Partner)

Duration: 12 months

Start date: 1 Jan 2020

Porject Grant Agreement: 19456


Total request Grant by BBMRI-ERIC: €15.000,00

Benefit/tasks for BBMRI-ERIC: As an external project partner, BBMRI-ERIC’s role is to provide information about EU countries – how the landscape of biobanks and sample collections look like in each country and what the local regulations for access are.


Biobanks and quality registries, currently relatively under-used infrastructures, are valuable tools for product development and validation, molecularly stratified clinical trials, follow-up of current healthcare outcomes, predicting impact of new products and services, and more. Access to qualitative sample and data collections can give unparalleled insights, paving the way for new medicines, treatments and medical products. The project RABBIT is to support EIT Health partners in simplifying access to biobanks and quality registries, and to help them leverage the assets available all over the Europe.

The main goals of RABBIT 2 are:
A) Scale out of RABBIT in Europe, including increasing the number of project submissions using biobanks and registers in Regions from both large companies, Start-ups, Universities the public sector in Scandinavia and in other CLCs.
B) Scale up of RABBIT with further focus on needs, challenges and assets at Cities, public partners and health care payers.

The project is a continuation of project for RABBIT 1, that was focusing on Scandinavian registers and biobanks. In the frame of the current project, we scale out to Europe and Scale up the involvement of public partners, cities and health care providers.

The website was co-funded within ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676550.
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