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BBMRI-ERIC Task Forces and Working Groups

BBMRI-ERIC recognises the invaluable efforts and dedication of its task forces (TFs) and working groups (WGs) in advancing the mission of the organisation. These teams have been instrumental in fostering innovation, quality, and collaboration across the BBMRI community and beyond.

Many Thanks!

Open to BBMRI-ERIC Community

Quality Management Systems
Working Group

Responsible Lead:
Stella Antoniou, BBMRI.QM

Implementation and enhancement of quality management practices across BBMRI.

Quality Management Systems – ISO 20387
Working Group

Responsible Lead:
Andrea Wutte, BBMRI.QM

Alignment of quality systems with ISO 20387 standards to ensure biobank quality and reliability.

Data Quality
Working Group

Responsible Lead:
Niina Eklund, BBMRI.QM

Implementation and enhancement of data quality in biobanking data management to ensure reliability in biobank data use.

Task Force 9 – Communication and Outreach
Task Force

Responsible Lead:
Eleanor Shember, BBMRI-OEC

Enhancing BBMRI’s visibility and engagement with stakeholders through effective communication strategies.

Quality Assurance Markers
Task Force

Responsible Lead:
Saba Abdulghani, BBMRI-BBD

Development and validation of quality assurance markers for biobank samples.

Task Force 7 – National Node operations & NNs’/Biobanks’ sustainability
Task Force

Responsible Lead:
Saba Abdulghani, BBMRI-ERIC

Collect challenges and solutions for managing established National Nodes and support new members in establishing their National Nod.
Gather strategies and concepts for sustainability.

Federated Platform
Task Force

Responsible Lead:
Zdenka Dudová and Tomas Snäckerström
& their team

Creation of a federated platform to enable secure and efficient data sharing across BBMRI.

Liaison to HQ: Kurt Majcen, Petr Holub

Working Groups Open Globally

BBMRI.QM Newsroom
Working Group

Responsible Lead:
Andrea Wutte, BBMRI-QM

Centralised communication hub for updates, resources, and initiatives related to quality management.

ELSI Dialogues: YouTube and Podcasts
Working Group

Responsible Lead:
Michaela Th. Mayerhofer, BBMRI-ELSI

Disseminating ethical, legal, and societal issues (ELSI) through engaging multimedia formats.

BBMRI MIABIS (Minimum Information About Biobanks Data Sharing)
Working Group

Responsible Lead:
Petr Holub, BBMRI-IT
MIABIS in general: Niina Eklund, Cäcilia Engels

Standardising and facilitating data sharing to enhance collaboration and transparency in biobanking.

The website was co-funded within ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676550.
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