What is the BBMRI.QM Academy? - BBMRI-ERIC
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What is the BBMRI.QM Academy?

BBMRI-ERIC is committed to the further education of our community and thus we are proud to present through the BBMRI.QM Academy educational webinars  – both live and on-demand – on the latest developments in biobanking and biomolecular resources. These e-learning options aim at improving your clinical, medical and scientific skills and answer your questions on biobanking and biomolecular resources, from basic to advanced.

BBMRI.QM Academy offers a selection of interactive, web-based, e-learning methods designed by key experts to expand and deepen your knowledge. E-learning, either via live educational webinars or via webinars which can be watched on demand, helps you to keep up with continuing medical education (CME) and continuing professional development (CPD).

CME Accreditation Information

For selected live educational webinars, BBMRI.QM Academy will apply for accreditation at the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®). If the EACCME® positively reviews our application, these live educational webinars will be marked with “accredited by EACCME®”.

According to UEMS regulations, attendees can only claim CME credits if they attend the entire live educational webinar. They can only receive the number of ECMEC®s corresponding to their actual attendance. Participants will be able to receive their accredited certificate once they have returned the feedback form. As part of this process participants’ attendance will be monitored throughout the event. Only live-viewing can be accredited.


BBMRI-ERIC is member state driven, serving public organisations (universities, hospitals, biobanks and their associated researchers). Within our member and observer countries we are offering free access to our services. No free access for private sector (industry, business enterprise, SMEs, etc.), access on request.

The website was co-funded within ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676550.
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