UK Biobank is a prospective study of 500,000 people. We have collected a wide range of information including genetics on our participants, and we are now hope to embark on a major study to MRI image 100,000 participants. Our pilot study, during which time we imaged the brains, hearts, abdomens and bones of 8,000 participants, is just completing. Genetic data on the full cohort of 500,000 will be available to researchers later this year, with data on 150,000 available now. These two major studies have involved lots of input from our Ethics and Governance Council on the continued collection and storage of these data.
We are a resource for health research funded by the MRC and Wellcome Trust and open to health researchers from academia and industry in the UK and overseas. The all-day event at the QEII Conference Centre, Westminster, London is free. It will also be streamed live online via the UK Biobank website: