Past Events from 16 February 2022 – 26 September 2023 – BBMRI-ERIC
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Online Workshop: Implementing Genomic Research Projects

Learn how to address key issues in genomic research in this two-day online workshop on Implementing Genomic Research Projects, jointly organised by BBMRI-ERIC with Easi Genomics on: Wednesday, 1 February (13-16:30 CET) and Thursday, 2 February (13-15:30 CET) This workshop will gives participants a fantastic opportunity to learn more about genomic data ethics, legal issues, […]

Webinar: Biobanks and scientific research – scientific opportunities and challenges for privacy


What regulatory, privacy, and secondary use aspects due researchers need to consider when using patient data for research purposes? In this online panel discussion (held in Italian), speakers Dr. Ilaria Anna Colussi (BBMRI-ERIC - Data Protection Specialist), Laura Liguori (Portolano Cavallo Partner) and Elisa Stefanini (Portolano Cavallo Partner) address the main challenges researchers are facing regarding […]

Webinar: The case of data reuse – ethical, legal, and societal issues in international genomic data access and sharing


Health data collected in cohort studies help researchers generate knowledge generation and advance biomedical research. But what happens when these data are used for something other than the initial purpose? In this webinar, BBMRI social scientist Dr. Melanie Goisauf and health lawyer Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag address  ethical, legal, and societal questions regarding the sensitivity of genomic […]

BBMRI.QM Newsroom – March 2023

For our first BBMRI.QM Newsroom of 2023, we will be welcoming two guests: Aulikki Santavuori (Auria Biobank Quality Manager - BBMRI.fi) Phil Scordis (UCB - project partner in the IMI project EPND (European Platform for Neurodegenerative Diseases)) The Newsroom takes place on 21 March between 10:00-11:00 CET. To register for this Zoom meeting, use this […]

BBMRI-ERIC ELSI Dialogues Webinar: Introduction to the Belgian Biobank Legislation – A Piece of the Puzzle in the Complicated EU Regulatory Landscape

Biobank legislation is not harmonised at the European Union level, and the Member States have taken considerably divergent approaches in how they regulate the field. Whereas some countries do not have specific regulations, others have adopted complex biobank laws. This webinar aims to present the unique legal framework for biobanking that is currently in place […]

BBMRI.QM Academy: Validation and verification of processing methods and biobanking

A live-learning webinar with the topic 'Validation and verification of processing methods and biobanking' presented by key expert Fay Betsou will be held on 1 June,1:00-2:15 pm CEST via Zoom. We are very pleased to inform you that this workshop is UEMS EACCME® for CME accredited. Participation in this live educational event equates to 1 CME […]

BBMRI.QM Newsroom

The second session in 2023 will be held on 7 June, 10:00-11:00 am CEST via Zoom. We will welcome two guests: Judit Balogh (Senior Project Manager at BBMRI-ERIC) Saba Abdulghani (Head of Biobanking Development at BBMRI-ERIC) PLEASE REGISTER here for the Zoom meeting and MAKE USE of the possibility to add the event to your […]

BioMed-AI Summer School: Biomedicine & Bioethics supporting responsible innovation in the era of Big Data & AI

Between 12-16 June 2023, the BioMed-AI Summer School: Biomedicine & Bioethics supporting responsible innovation in the era of Big Data & AI takes place under the Auspices of the Academy of Athens.  30 participants will be selected, following the review of applications by a board of experts from BRFAA, CRB and Archimedes Center. If interested, apply here […]

3rd BBMRI.QM Newsroom

The third session in 2023 will be held on 26 September, 10:00-11:00 am CEST via Zoom. We will welcome two guests: Claire Connellan (ERINHA, Project Manager ISIDORe) Lukasz Kozera (Scientific Programme Manager at BBMRI-ERIC) PLEASE REGISTER HERE for the Zoom meeting and MAKE USE of the possibility to add the event to your calendar. The online meeting will […]

BioTechX Europe

Basel Congress Center Messeplatz 21, Basel, Switzerland

BBMRI-ERIC will once again be at the BioTechX Europe Congress. Here's why we would we delighted for you to join us: BioTechX Europe is Europe’s largest congress covering diagnostics, precision medicine and digital transformation in pharmaceutical development and healthcare. Over the years we have fostered strong relationships with local partners such as the Canton of […]

Europe Biobank Week Congress 2024

The Hofburg Vienna, Austria

BBMRI-ERIC and ESBB are delighted to announce that the Europe Biobank Week Congress is back for 2024. It will take place from 14-17 May at The Hofburg in Vienna, Austria. Save the date in your diaries and look out for further details on registration which will be made available shortly on the EBW website. Interested […]

The website was co-funded within ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676550.
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