“Why would I give my health data to a bunch of mad scientists, computer hackers and identity thieves?”
Fear, skepticism and lack of information surrounding the sharing of health data is widespread. That’s why BBMRI-ERIC is organizing a workshop on “Building a Trusted Research Environment”.
The event will open the discussion on creating Trusted Research Environments (TREs) for data-sharing in health research, and it aims to outline the current landscape and contexts, provide new focus for National Nodes and patients’ organizations and show examples of good practice in developing and using Trusted Research Environments.
The event was evolved from discussion between Austrian National Node, Stakeholder Forum Patient Pillar and BBMRI-ERIC’s HQ. It will be of interest to all National Nodes, and it also addresses one of the priorities of BBMRI-ERIC’s Stakeholder Forum Patient Pillar.
For the detailed agenda, click here.
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