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BBMRI.QM Newsroom

What is actually happening in biobanks in 2023, how is quality practiced at biobank level? Which projects and funding help biobanks to develop further, improve quality measures and be a recognised partner for biomedical research, and what do our invited guests have to say about it?

Quo vadis quality?

We will shed light on all these and many other questions in our BBMRI.QM Newsrooms.

“Looking at quality from many angles” – a motto we want to follow in 2023.


Next Newsroom:

Please register here for the 3rd BBMRI.QM Newsroom on 26 September 2023! 

Save the date: 5 December

1st Newsroom took place on 21 March.

We welcomed Aulikki Santavuori (Auria Biobank) and Phil Scordis (partner in the project EPND) as our external guests.

2nd Newsroom took place on 7 June.

We welcomed our colleagues Saba Abdulghani and Manuela Pausan (as representative for Judit Balogh) as our guests.


“Get insights from the outside” – that was the motto for the consultation hours on quality-related topics in the field of biobanking and biomedical research and development.

The agenda of each meeting will consist of these 4 items:

1. Q-uick
You get a quick overview of current developments in quality management matters.

2. Q-uiz
You learn about 3 NODES/3 MINUTES/3 SLIDES, packed with information about current Q-activities, presented by members of the BBMRI-ERIC community.

3. Q-uest
Join our quest for new information and get exciting insights from behind the quality scenes via our guest speakers.

4. Q-change
Exchange ideas on quality as we take time for inspiring and innovative discussions about future needs of the biobanking and the biomedical research network.

1st Newsroom took place on 29 March

3 National Nodes: – Anne Jorunn Vikdal – Aulikki Santavuori – Jana Gottwaldova

Guest: Martin Golebiewski, ISO/TC 276 – WG5 Convener

2nd Newsroom took place on 28 June

3 National Nodes: – Eva Ortega – Una Krūmiņa – Loes Linsen

Guest: Nahla Afifi, Qatar Biobank Director

3rd Newsroom took place on 27 September

Representatives of ISO 20387 accredited biobanks:

Agnieszka Matera-Witkiewicz (Wroclaw Medical University)

José Antonio López-Guerrero (University of Valencia)

Simone Lapi (Biobank Unit of the University Pisa Hospital)

2 National Nodes: – Karina Lövstedt – postponed – Beáta Bessenyei – postponed

Guests: Carolina Espina (IARC), Florence Le Calvez-Kelm (IARC)

4th Newsroom took place on 13 December

2 National Nodes: – Karina Lövstedt – Beáta Bessenyei – postponed

Guest: Simon Herren, Lead Assessor at Swiss Accreditation Service

“Get insights from the outside” – that was the motto for the consultation hours on quality-related topics in the field of biobanking and biomedical research and development.

The agenda of each meeting will consist of these 4 items:

1. Q-uick
You get a quick overview of current developments in quality management matters.

2. Q-uiz
You learn about 3 NODES/3 MINUTES/3 SLIDES, packed with information about current Q-activities, presented by members of the BBMRI-ERIC community.

3. Q-uest
Join our quest for new information and get exciting insights from behind the quality scenes via our guest speakers.

4. Q-change
Exchange ideas on quality as we take time for inspiring and innovative discussions about future needs of the biobanking and the biomedical research network.

1st Newsroom took place on 30 March

3 National Nodes: – Steven Smit – Agnieszka Matera-Witkiewicz – Helmuth Haslacher

Guest: Jens Habermann

2nd Newsroom took place on 29 June

3 National Nodes: – Sabine Bavamian

IARC – Zisis Kozlakidis, Elodie Caboux – Sanem Tercan Avci

Guest: Carlo Largiader

3rd Newsroom took place on 28 September

3 National Nodes: – Anne Jorunn Vikdal – postponed – Stella Antoniou – Sabrina Schmitt

Guest: Dunja Martin

4th Newsroom took place on 14 December

National Node: – Tomaš Šimulevič

Guest: Maurice Bardsley, EVAg

The website was co-funded within ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676550.
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