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Bulgaria (Member)


Web page: is a new initiative in Bulgaria, after joining BBMRI-ERIC as a full Member in 2018. The Ministry of Education and Science assigned the role of national coordinator and national biobank node to the Medical University of Sofia. The National Node is based at Molecular Medicine Center, Medical University of Sofia, which has been an associated member of BBMRI since 2009.

The Biobanking Core Facility established at MMC hosts collections of biological materials and data, gathered mainly in research projects on human diseases. We are currently mapping the biobanking activities and biological resources collection across the country.

The aim of the national node is to establish national biobanking research infrastructure, supporting high-quality research in the field of translational and precision medicine which has a great impact on the healthcare system in Bulgaria.


The main objectives of include:

  • Building a national network of biobanks
  • Establishing an operational National Biobanking Node serving as link between BBMRI-ERIC and the national network
  • Standardising sample and data collection and storage procedures of national biobanks and harmonising them with BBMRI-ERIC
  • Establishing common IT infrastructure across biobanks
  • Introducing quality control standards in biobanking
  • Providing service on Ethical, Legal & Societal Issues (ELSI) on biobanking
  • Increasing the visibility of the available biological collections
  • Fostering national research collaboration and networking
  • Stimulating participation in BBMRI-ERIC activities and joint European Projects
National Coordinator of

Prof. Radka Kaneva, PhD

The website was co-funded within ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 676550.
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